Saturday, May 23, 2009

The Good Life:Well, Why is it so Hard?

Well people, I’m back again. I like to inspire people whenever a topic comes to mind, however I always try to wait a few days so God can give me how He wants me to put it out there to you. This time it is a little different, because I want to give you something that has inspired me because I’ve been talking about it so much. I feel like that is enough sign for me.

It’s funny sometimes how we think about life. It sometimes seems as though living the “good life” is not desirable because it seems too hard. Now when I say good life, I’m not talking about money, cars and clothes; I’m not talking about having any woman/man you want; I’m not talking about having everyone envying you. I’m talking about the Christ Life, because as I have found out, when you live the Christ Life then you are truly living the “good life”. I have talked to a few people lately about the same thing, so that is what I will share with you now. I feel that in life there are two extremes or sides: God and the satan! Likewise, I think there is a fence or imaginary line halfway between the two. Now, when you are on satan’s side or straddling that fence life seems so easy. In other words when you’re out there in the World living any kind of way it’s all good as it seems. Well, that is absolutely true and the reason is because the devil don’t care anything about you. He’s already got you in his corner pocket so why worry about you, he has bigger fish to fry. Likewise at the same time God is so sad, because He does not like a lukewarm saint. You can’t straddle the fence when you’re claiming to be a Christian. God is probably thinking,
“Wow, I see the future I have for Mike and yet he still slaps me in the face, he still spits in my face by taking for granted the second chance that I give him daily. I’ve seen his future so I’m trying to keep him so he can live long enough to see it, but if he don’t straighten up quick I don’t know if I could keep going through this cycle!”
Now, at the same time when you cross that line or get off that fence and get on God’s side, the devil gets frustrated and now he must draw his attention back to you. So now the problems start, because he starts to fight you on every hand. satan is going to try to do everything he can to pull you back over on his side. he’s going attack every weakness that he already knows you have. he’s going to make you inferior than who you really are in God on every hand. Who knows, even the very people you thought were all you had may be turned against you.

Now this is the interesting fact people… God allows satan to test you because guess what?... Now that you are God’s side he puts His hedge of protection around you, so no matter what the devil throws at you he can’t defeat you because you’re now in the Army of the Lord! So Christians WAKE UP! Realize that there is no TESTimony without a test! Realize that God’s is only allowing you to be pulled back so He can thrust you forward! Realize that you are the Righteousness of God! Realize that you are of a different cloth from those of the World! Realize that you are to be a light everywhere you go! Realize that you have to keep giving God affirmation that you are all the way for him so he can be all the way for you. If God be for you, who can be against you? So resolve to make the devil mad every chance you get by showing him that he can’t steal your joy. If you in that spot where you feel like it aint worth all this hardship, it aint worth all this struggle, it aint worth my fun… Just remember that if God will bring you to it, He can bring you through it! John 16:33 is one of my fiance’s favorite verses and if you read it you will see why it is. It sums up this whole blog entry, so go read it for yourself and be blessed!
As always I pray God blesses each and everyone who may read this, and continue to pray for me that God will continue to present me with opportunities to witness, opportunities to bless, opportunities to share my testimony! I love you all and God bless!

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