Friday, February 27, 2009
L ift up your voices, O ut to the heavens, U nder the annointing, D ont you be afraid to, L et everyone know, O ver and over, U got the victory, D ont you understand!
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
To My Clients
Put the doughnut down, and pick up a dumbbell! Lol, if you want to go somewhere you've never been, you have to do something you've never done to get there! Love you all!
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
In times like these!
In times like these... We're gonna need a Saviour, we're gonna need a friend! In times like these... With all that is going on in the world today, with the economy, with the violence, with the hate, with the war, with everything else that is going on in our World, there is no one else who can help us but God! We took prayer out of the schools, and the Devil came in. We removed the Ten Commandments, and hate, adultery, crime, lying, jealousy and idol worshipping is running at an all time high. The sooner we realize that we can not solve it, the better off we'll be. God constantly knocketh at the door of our lives, but it is up to us to let him in. Please do yourself a favor, do your children a favor, do your friends a favor, do your co-workers a favor, do your enemies a favor, and ultimately do this World a favor by welcoming God back home in this World and in each and every one of our lives! I love you all, and be blessed!
Monday, February 23, 2009
I don't know His mind, but He will reveal it all in time. For every step of a righteous man is ordered by God! Thank You Father for ordering my steps!
I have no other choice but to trust you! So many times in life before I tried and tried to do things my way. I thought that I was smart enough, I thought I knew enough to handle myself. I didn't realize the problem was, the struggle was between my Will and yours, but now I'm giving up my will for Your's, I'm totally depending on you, so Lord please come through! I have no other choice but to trust to You! -Tye Tribett
Sunday, February 22, 2009
You will probably see more entries from me this week than ever now that I have more time to communicate with God. So many times we don't realize how easy it is to pray and communicate with God. I just want you to know that if you are reading this my constant and ongoing prayer is that God will bless everyone who has anything to do with me to be blessed with more of him, and if you are reading this you are in fact a part of my life! Be blessed!
Revelations from God!
I title this blog as I do because that is exactly what I am expecting from God! As you know from my last entry I am sustaining from the internet for 7 days. Its amazing that I did it on yesterday because today my pastor, Bishop Lowe, was telling us that God has 7 days to show up and take care of some things concerning Guiding Light and I was like "Woah!" So I am expecting God to reveal himself in ways I never imagined this week. I'm expecting revelations on how I can contribute to my ministry! I'm expecting revelations on how God is going to do a new thing in my finances! I'm expecting revelations on Felicia, my fiance', will get that job that God has for her to allow her to be in church! I'm expecting revelations on where God wants me to go in my career! I'm expecting revelations on how to have a wonderful marriage and always put God first! I'm expecting revelations on spiritual, mental, social, physical and financial blessings! These things I expect because my Sheperd has taught me that I am a covenant child and because the end result of obedience is always increase! For I was created to excel and not fail, that is my divine potential!
Saturday, February 21, 2009
Truly Amazing
I just left a Men's Fellowship Breakfast and Movie at my church and it was truly a blessing, nothing short of amazing. The movie we watched is Fireproof (PLEASE IF YOU GET A LITTLE SPARE CHANGE, GO GET THIS ESPECIALLY IF YOU'RE IN ANY KIND OF RELATIONSHIP WITH SOMEONE). I had been hearing people talk about the movie, and some of my clients and others was telling me how it was a life-changing movie. Well, I experienced first hand that it is. I will not spoil the movie for you, but basically what I got out of it was: We always look for God to give us a way out of situations, or ask him to fix our problems; but do we really get ourselves out of the way so he can?... Every since my fiance'' and I joined our church back in October, God has truly been taking me to new places spiritually, mentally, socially, physically and financially. However, on the other hand he's allowed me to be tested on every front. Well after watching this movie I realize that although we ask God to fix our problems, we don't A.S.K. God! Allow me to expound on what I mean:
My pastor had been teaching a series on ask, and he actually broke it down to us in a simple way... A.S.K. Ask and it will be given to you, seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives; he who seeks finds; and to him who knocks, the door will be opened. Which of you, if his son asks for bread, will give him a stone? Or if he asks for a fish, will give him a snake? If you, then, though you are evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father in heaven give good gifts to those who ask him! (Matthew 7:7-11 NIV) It was amazing when he broke the word ask down into an acronym, you never see it as A.S.K., Ask Seek Knock. So in essence he was telling us that when you ask God, it is three-fold: asking or praying to God in the Spirit, seeking or worshipping and praising God through a connection in your soul, and knocking or making a physical effort with your body.
Well, honestly after watching this movie, I get it. Every since I re-dedicated my life to Christ, I've been asking, I've been seeking, but I haven't made that full comittment with my body as far a giving up those things that separated me from my Father. For to love God, is to know God, and to know God is to obey him!
Our pastor also began a new series on prayer last Sunday, and he was saying that you have to get naked with God... I know at first the congregation was like huh... Well, basically all he was saying is that if you really want God to bless you and be in control of you life, then you have to put it all on the table and not hide anything from him. Think about it, he knows everything we do anyway so why try to hide it. So this is me getting naked with God and not caring who knows about it. Over the last few months since I've gotten my life back on track, I've been tempted with not Drugs, not Alcohol, not Fornication, not Lying, not Hate, not Gossip, but with a lust demon in the form of what my eyes were taking in from this very screen that I type this entry on now. So, if you are reading this I ask that you pray for me that God will honor my nakedness before him and heal my land. "If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and will heal their land."(2 Chronicles 7:14) Now, I have asked, I have seeked so now I am going to tell you how I am going to knock.
Starting as soon after I post this entry on here, myspace, facebook and iseecolor (frequent sites where I blog) I am going to give up the internet and computers in any way, shape, form or faction for 7 full days in expectance of a miracle and deliverance from the Lord. I am expecting and claiming that when I return to this very screen things will not look the same, things that were enticing before will be laughable(don't know if I spelled that right) in 7 days. So, if you are trying to reach me, even if it's too comment or let me know that you've read this. You can contact me on my cell by text or calling. Now, if you don't have my number and you really want to reach me if we are in fact close enough you should be able to find someone who can put you in contact with me. I will not be checking any of my emails, or turning my laptop on for any reason, so again you can reach me by my cell or by prayer! :) May God Bless All Who Reads This, Amen!
My pastor had been teaching a series on ask, and he actually broke it down to us in a simple way... A.S.K. Ask and it will be given to you, seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives; he who seeks finds; and to him who knocks, the door will be opened. Which of you, if his son asks for bread, will give him a stone? Or if he asks for a fish, will give him a snake? If you, then, though you are evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father in heaven give good gifts to those who ask him! (Matthew 7:7-11 NIV) It was amazing when he broke the word ask down into an acronym, you never see it as A.S.K., Ask Seek Knock. So in essence he was telling us that when you ask God, it is three-fold: asking or praying to God in the Spirit, seeking or worshipping and praising God through a connection in your soul, and knocking or making a physical effort with your body.
Well, honestly after watching this movie, I get it. Every since I re-dedicated my life to Christ, I've been asking, I've been seeking, but I haven't made that full comittment with my body as far a giving up those things that separated me from my Father. For to love God, is to know God, and to know God is to obey him!
Our pastor also began a new series on prayer last Sunday, and he was saying that you have to get naked with God... I know at first the congregation was like huh... Well, basically all he was saying is that if you really want God to bless you and be in control of you life, then you have to put it all on the table and not hide anything from him. Think about it, he knows everything we do anyway so why try to hide it. So this is me getting naked with God and not caring who knows about it. Over the last few months since I've gotten my life back on track, I've been tempted with not Drugs, not Alcohol, not Fornication, not Lying, not Hate, not Gossip, but with a lust demon in the form of what my eyes were taking in from this very screen that I type this entry on now. So, if you are reading this I ask that you pray for me that God will honor my nakedness before him and heal my land. "If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and will heal their land."(2 Chronicles 7:14) Now, I have asked, I have seeked so now I am going to tell you how I am going to knock.
Starting as soon after I post this entry on here, myspace, facebook and iseecolor (frequent sites where I blog) I am going to give up the internet and computers in any way, shape, form or faction for 7 full days in expectance of a miracle and deliverance from the Lord. I am expecting and claiming that when I return to this very screen things will not look the same, things that were enticing before will be laughable(don't know if I spelled that right) in 7 days. So, if you are trying to reach me, even if it's too comment or let me know that you've read this. You can contact me on my cell by text or calling. Now, if you don't have my number and you really want to reach me if we are in fact close enough you should be able to find someone who can put you in contact with me. I will not be checking any of my emails, or turning my laptop on for any reason, so again you can reach me by my cell or by prayer! :) May God Bless All Who Reads This, Amen!
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
Mothers Never Really Die, They Just Keep House Up In the Sky.
Death beckoned her with outstretched hand
And whispered softly of "An Unknown Land"
But she was not afraid to go
For though the path she did not know,
She took Death's Hand without fear,
For He who safely brought her here
Had told her He would lead the way
Into Eternity's Bright Day...
And so she did not go alone
Into the "Valley That's Unknown"
She gently took Death by The Hand
And journeyed to "The Promised Land"...
And there, with step so light and gay,
She polishes the sun by day
And lights the stars that shine at night
And keeps the moonbeams silvery bright...
For Mothers never really die,
They just "Keep House Up In the Sky"...
And in the Heavenly Home Above
They wait to "welcome" those they love.
This is a poem that my Senior Advisor, Mrs. McTier gave me in high school. I never even expected it, but when she gave it to me it was right on time. Well, recently my cousins' grandmother went on to be with the Lord and hopefully they will read this and it will bring some of the same comfort that it brought me. Love you Toni, Nina, Tecee, Robbie and Edwin! God Bless you all in your time of need.
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
Today Lord, I will find a way to lift you up! I will find a way to love you more! Sometimes people may wonder why miracles don't always happen now like they happened in the bible days. I simply think sometimes we don't have the faith that the people in bible times had. How many of us can loose our job, house, car, family and friends and yet say I will still trust Jesus!(Job) How many of us can believe that if we were just touched by the Man or Woman of God, we would be healed from all our sickness, hurt and pain(woman with the issue of blood) There are many other examples, so my prayer is that God will increase my faith in Him! I will find a way to witness!
Monday, February 9, 2009
Sometimes that is all I can say when I think about the goodness of God and all that he has, is, and will do for me! Thank You Jesus!
Thank God!
When life gives you a lemon, Praise God! Remember that life could always be a whole lot worse than we "think" it is! If we are truly his Children why do we get sour. So don't just make lemonade and leave evidence that you had a lemon. Praise God and leave evidence that you've been blessed!
Daily Thanks to God!
Today I am thankful for the blessings that God has bestowed upon me! I am thankful for my family and loved ones. I am also thankful for where the Lord is taking me spiritually, mentally, socially, physically and financially!
More of You
God it is my prayer that you would give me more of you on this day, and that you would help me to realize that once I get it in my thick head that if I seek you first, I don't have to worry about my needs, wants or desires. Thank you Father for more of you!
Today(written on my G1 a few weeks ago)
Father today I remove myself out of your way for I will not worry about what tomorrow will bring but I will praise you for today. I will not worry about the financial struggles of tomorrow, but I will praise you for my life, health, and strength today. I will glorify and bring honor to your name and your being every chance I get. For today, I am blessed!
If you change your outlook, you can change your outcome! So as a man thinketh, so is he!
I wake up around 4a.m. every morning, and by the time I get to my car the Steve Harvey Morning Show is starting. Well I always like to listen to the first 30 minutes of the show, mainly because that is the inspirational portion of the show where Steve gives somewhat of a testimony and plays a gospel song. Well, I thank God for Steve Harvey because there are many things that he has said that sticks with me and gets me through my days! Last week I heard him say...
"If you change your outlook, you can change your outcome!"
Basically all that means is that if you continue to think you are a failure in life, you're going to continue to be a failure. If you continue to think you're not a morning person, you will never be a morning person. If you continue to think you can never get a new job, car, house, you will never get it. If you continue to think that you can't find a good man or woman, you will always be lead to the wrong man or woman. It makes me think of Proverbs 23:7 "For as he (being a man/woman) thinketh in his heart, so is he...
If you change your outlook, you can change your outcome!
So come on people start thinking that you are the first and not the last. Start thinking that you are the head and not the tail. Start thinking that you are a lender and not a borrower. Start thinking that you are a morning person, and that you love to get up in the morning because it is another day that God has allowed you to have an oppurtunity to... change your outcome. Start thinking that God is going to send Mr. or Ms. Right your way. Start thinking that you will receive your new car, house or job. Something I've been training myself to do is to stop saying I hate anything, or saying that I don't want to be here (meaning anywhere where I'm at). I've started to train myself to say Thank God for wherever you will take me on this day. I just pray that you lead, guide and direct me when I get there.
If you change your outlook, you can change your outcome!
It makes me think of Kirk Franklin! The quicker you realize that the Storm is Over Now, the better off you will be. No more cloudy days, they're all gone away. I feel like I can make it, the storm is over now. He saved my soul, he made me whole. He's the Alpha and Omega, the first and the last. He will pick you up and turn you around, he'll place your feet on solid ground. He wont never put more on you than you can bear. So I resolve that no matter what I go through, God can bring me to it and take me through it! For I know that... The Storm Is Over Now! So again people...
If you change your outlook, you can change your outcome!
"If you change your outlook, you can change your outcome!"
Basically all that means is that if you continue to think you are a failure in life, you're going to continue to be a failure. If you continue to think you're not a morning person, you will never be a morning person. If you continue to think you can never get a new job, car, house, you will never get it. If you continue to think that you can't find a good man or woman, you will always be lead to the wrong man or woman. It makes me think of Proverbs 23:7 "For as he (being a man/woman) thinketh in his heart, so is he...
If you change your outlook, you can change your outcome!
So come on people start thinking that you are the first and not the last. Start thinking that you are the head and not the tail. Start thinking that you are a lender and not a borrower. Start thinking that you are a morning person, and that you love to get up in the morning because it is another day that God has allowed you to have an oppurtunity to... change your outcome. Start thinking that God is going to send Mr. or Ms. Right your way. Start thinking that you will receive your new car, house or job. Something I've been training myself to do is to stop saying I hate anything, or saying that I don't want to be here (meaning anywhere where I'm at). I've started to train myself to say Thank God for wherever you will take me on this day. I just pray that you lead, guide and direct me when I get there.
If you change your outlook, you can change your outcome!
It makes me think of Kirk Franklin! The quicker you realize that the Storm is Over Now, the better off you will be. No more cloudy days, they're all gone away. I feel like I can make it, the storm is over now. He saved my soul, he made me whole. He's the Alpha and Omega, the first and the last. He will pick you up and turn you around, he'll place your feet on solid ground. He wont never put more on you than you can bear. So I resolve that no matter what I go through, God can bring me to it and take me through it! For I know that... The Storm Is Over Now! So again people...
If you change your outlook, you can change your outcome!
Sunday, February 8, 2009
Friday, February 6, 2009
Guaranteed Blessings (written January 30, 2009)
It's been a while since I last wrote a blog and I have thought about writing one every since my last one. This one really makes me happy to even think about. I was raised in the church being a PK(preacher kid) and all, so I was taught the power of prayer and how to be a Christian. However, maybe because of different life events or because I just didn't get it living as a Christian seem to be a struggle. When I came to college I visited different churches, and then later I begin to play the drums for a church only as a job though and I was not growing spiritually. Well, one of the churches that I visited from time to time was Guiding Light Church here in Birmingham. From the first time I visited I always enjoyed service and even more I loved the messages that the pastor, Bishop Jim Lowe would bring. Then in the last year or so it starting really being heavy on my heart for my fiance', Felicia and I to join. Bishop Lowe would always say those powerful words, "Harden not your heart to the voice of the Lord". So back in October 2008, we finally joined our church. It seems as though immediately after we joined God begin to pour blessings into my life. Another message that my pastor always tell us is that he gives us the uncut word of God, so go out and kick the Devil's butt and if you don't it's your fault. So I begin to change my mind and outlook about the way I looked at life in general. Then his messages shifted towards God's Covenant and how to stay blessed. Basically he was trying to get us to see that the way you guarantee your blessings is that you unrelentlessly give God honor for the blessings he has bestowed upon you and pray blessings on others. Then in November, I re-dedicated my life to Christ and blessings got even greater. Then as you know I began to be tested almost immediately. I've been tested in the faithfullness of paying my tithes. I've been tested in the act of witnessing and giving my testimony, and a host of other ways. I can truly say that I keep God in my corner and he gets me through it every time. Likewise, this past Sunday he did a call to the congregation who wanted more of God to come to the alter. Knowing, because of what he has taught us, that is the true way to excel in life and that everything we do must be to the Glory of God I went to the altar, and as I prayed I heard these words. "Now all of you who came to the altar, just know that you're gonna be blessed but you're also going to be tested." God tests your faith at every level you accomplish in life to see if you're ready to be catapulted to the next level. So... yes I'm being tested every day, but I think back to the words of Steve Harvey, "If you can just keep God in your corner, he will take care of you. You don't have to go to him in a special way. You don't have to be perfect, but just talk to him!" Now every chance I get, I praise God and say thank you!So now that I've gave you a background let me secure my continued blessings by telling you how God has been blessing me. One month after I joined my church, God blessed me to be able to get the exact new car I wanted (2009 Toyota Camry SE V6, leather, heated seats, compass in the mirror, navigation system, jbl audio 4 disc changer sound system, 3.5L duel overhead cam engine, etc.)! Yeah, Praise God. Around the same time, God begin to make me feel overwhelmed about my jobs. I go to work every day excited to work with my clients and my kids! During the Christmas season, clients all together gave me over $400 in money and gift cards. Now the newest blessing is Felicia and I have been looking for a house and we meet with our realtor Saturday to possibly sign our contract(Pray for us)! I can go on and on. My whole purpose of writing all of these words is to let you know that no matter or regardless of the situation that you are going through right now, you should know that it is nothing to hard for God. If God healed the sick and raised the dead, then why can't he take care of a bothersome co-worker for you? Why can't he take care of a deadbeat relationship for you? Why can't he take care of a new car for you? Why can't he take care of a new house for you? Why can't he take care of a job period for you? Why can't he heal your sicknesses?... It is simply because you don't believe and I say that with all sincerety. Believing is an action, If you praying to God for anything, then believe and go get it. So many times we get in our own way, God has already worked it out he's just waiting on you to get out of the way and let him move. That doesn't mean do nothing, it just simply means claim it and believe it when you do!I pray God's blessings on anyone who takes the time to read all of these thoughts that were just on my mind, and I ask that in return you would pray for me and all those in your life... family, loved ones, friends, associates, co-workers, even your enemies.P.S. Forgive me for any spelling or grammatical errors. I started typing and did not stop until..... now!
I need prayer! (written January 1, 2009)
You know in life sometimes it seems like we don't know which way to turn. It seems as though everytime we're doing good, there is some problem to knock us back down a step or two. However, it is a true sign that God is dealing with us. When you're not trying to do right or live right everything seems so easy. It's like Kanye said, "Everything that supposed to be bad makes me feel so good, and everything they told me not to is exactly what I would." Now, God has been dealing with me to help me to realize that the road is called straight and narrow for a reason. The greater the struggle, the greater the reward! Likewise when it seems as though nothing is ever right, it is God way of testing you to see if he can take you to that next level. I've noticed that everytime it seems as though I'm struggling blessings come unexpected and out of no where. Then it's like I hear a small voice say, "I told you not to worry!" So my prayer request is for everyone that is reading this to pray that I stay out of God's way and let him work when I ask him to. There's a gospel song out there that says, If you're gonna pray don't worry. That is the true test of a Christian. I know that God is dealing with me in a special way and has great things in store for me in 09 that started in 08, so pray for me that I stay in the Will of Good to be blessed!
My Prayer (Originally written on July 20, 2008)
You know it's amazing sometimes when you're trying to live a life that is right so that one day you can hear those special words, "Well done thy good and faithful servant"! The funny thing is we make it harder than it is sometimes. I once heard Steve Harvey say on his morning show how much better off we would be if we just kept him close. You don't have to be perfect but so many times we have a hard time doing the simple things like talking to God or reading the bible as much as we read Muscle & Fitness, Men's Health, Maxim, or the Sports section(as you can see I'm talking to myself). So sometimes we lay down without even telling God Thanks for another day of life. Since I love to type and write, I'm going to just type out my prayer.
My Prayer
Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name.Thy Kingdom come, thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For thine is the kingdom, the power and the glory, for ever and ever. Dear Heavenly Father I want to first thank you for waking me up this morning and starting me on my way and for just helping me to see another day full of your mercy and grace. For I know that maybe I didn't deserve to enjoy life another day but you saw fit to give me another opportunity to get it right, and for that I thank you! Lord right now I also ask that you would forgive me of all the sins that I have committed seen and unseen, known and unknown; and Lord I also would like to thank you for blessing me spiritually, mentally, socially, physically and financially. Lord I ask and thank you for showing me what my purpose is in life, and my true divine potential and destiny.
Lord right now I ask that you would bless all the people in each and every facet of my life right now. Bless all my siblings and their families (Prince III, Princess, Darrell, Denita, Rodney, Ronald, Israel, Jennifer, and Latasha). Bless them all in every aspect of their lives. Keep them safe from all hurt, harm and danger or snares by the enemy. Bless my beautiful girlfriend Felicia. Bless her to give you the glory in all the success that she will gain because of the bright future that I know is ahead of her. Lord I also ask that you would bless our relationship, bless me to be the husband that she needs when that time comes. Lord I also ask that you would bless each and every one of my friends past and present. Bless them with the desires of their hearts. Also Lord I ask and thank you for blessing each and every one of my Fraternity Brothers (locally, regionally, nationally, and internationally). Be the foundation of this great organization. Lord I also ask that you will bless my co-workers, relatives, neighbors and anyone else in my life. Bless me so that I can be a blessing to all those around me.
And Lord now that I have ask for all these things, help me to have the health, mind, and ability to seek these things. Help me not to be one that just asks and not act in faith. Give me the guidance to seek ye first and then Lord I know all these things shall be added unto me. And finally Lord when I get to the door of these things that I have requested, give me the courage to knock at the door so that I may obtain them. Help me to be a lender and not a borrower, a leader and not a follower, a victor and not a victim, a winner and not a quitter. Then Lord when that time comes for me to meet you, thank you for helping me to live my life in such a way that I will hear those sacred words, "Well done thy good and faithful servant" for that is truly what I want you to say. I thank you for all the things you have done in my life, the things you are doing right now, and the things you are going to do, and it is Jesus' name I do pray Amen!
My Prayer
Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name.Thy Kingdom come, thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For thine is the kingdom, the power and the glory, for ever and ever. Dear Heavenly Father I want to first thank you for waking me up this morning and starting me on my way and for just helping me to see another day full of your mercy and grace. For I know that maybe I didn't deserve to enjoy life another day but you saw fit to give me another opportunity to get it right, and for that I thank you! Lord right now I also ask that you would forgive me of all the sins that I have committed seen and unseen, known and unknown; and Lord I also would like to thank you for blessing me spiritually, mentally, socially, physically and financially. Lord I ask and thank you for showing me what my purpose is in life, and my true divine potential and destiny.
Lord right now I ask that you would bless all the people in each and every facet of my life right now. Bless all my siblings and their families (Prince III, Princess, Darrell, Denita, Rodney, Ronald, Israel, Jennifer, and Latasha). Bless them all in every aspect of their lives. Keep them safe from all hurt, harm and danger or snares by the enemy. Bless my beautiful girlfriend Felicia. Bless her to give you the glory in all the success that she will gain because of the bright future that I know is ahead of her. Lord I also ask that you would bless our relationship, bless me to be the husband that she needs when that time comes. Lord I also ask that you would bless each and every one of my friends past and present. Bless them with the desires of their hearts. Also Lord I ask and thank you for blessing each and every one of my Fraternity Brothers (locally, regionally, nationally, and internationally). Be the foundation of this great organization. Lord I also ask that you will bless my co-workers, relatives, neighbors and anyone else in my life. Bless me so that I can be a blessing to all those around me.
And Lord now that I have ask for all these things, help me to have the health, mind, and ability to seek these things. Help me not to be one that just asks and not act in faith. Give me the guidance to seek ye first and then Lord I know all these things shall be added unto me. And finally Lord when I get to the door of these things that I have requested, give me the courage to knock at the door so that I may obtain them. Help me to be a lender and not a borrower, a leader and not a follower, a victor and not a victim, a winner and not a quitter. Then Lord when that time comes for me to meet you, thank you for helping me to live my life in such a way that I will hear those sacred words, "Well done thy good and faithful servant" for that is truly what I want you to say. I thank you for all the things you have done in my life, the things you are doing right now, and the things you are going to do, and it is Jesus' name I do pray Amen!
An Idol Mind is the Devil's Workshop(Written July 20, 2008)
An Idol Mind is the Devil's Workshop
When I was younger I heard that all the time, and I always wondered what it meant. Now that I'm older, I've just begin to get some kind of understanding of what it means. This morning in church the sermon was about destiny. The scripture that he focused on was the one (forgive me for forgetting the passage) where it says if you ask, it shall be given unto you, seek and ye shall find, knock and the door will be open unto you. Well, of course that is a familiar passage also, but he broke it down in a good way today. He said people usually just stop at asking, but after you ask you have to seek what you have asked for then when you find where you're trying to go you have to knock. I also heard someone on tv talking about how they avoid doing bad things or unnecessary things in their spare time. Their response was they don't allow themselves to have to much spare time. In other words even if it is reading a book or researching something you have to stay busy. The last few weeks have been pretty rough for me. After two weeks off of work and exercise, its rough to get back in the groove of things. Then I said to myself, "Self you gotta do what you always tell everyone else(It's like Nike, Just Do It!)" So, starting today, I'm going to try to regain control and stay busy. I realize that if you want something it's not just going to flop in your lap. You have to ask for it, then you have to seek it, and when you find it you have to knock. I figure if I keep busy with positive thoughts and deeds, I wont have time for any negativity to make its way into my life.
An Idol Mind Is the Devil's Workshop
When I was younger I heard that all the time, and I always wondered what it meant. Now that I'm older, I've just begin to get some kind of understanding of what it means. This morning in church the sermon was about destiny. The scripture that he focused on was the one (forgive me for forgetting the passage) where it says if you ask, it shall be given unto you, seek and ye shall find, knock and the door will be open unto you. Well, of course that is a familiar passage also, but he broke it down in a good way today. He said people usually just stop at asking, but after you ask you have to seek what you have asked for then when you find where you're trying to go you have to knock. I also heard someone on tv talking about how they avoid doing bad things or unnecessary things in their spare time. Their response was they don't allow themselves to have to much spare time. In other words even if it is reading a book or researching something you have to stay busy. The last few weeks have been pretty rough for me. After two weeks off of work and exercise, its rough to get back in the groove of things. Then I said to myself, "Self you gotta do what you always tell everyone else(It's like Nike, Just Do It!)" So, starting today, I'm going to try to regain control and stay busy. I realize that if you want something it's not just going to flop in your lap. You have to ask for it, then you have to seek it, and when you find it you have to knock. I figure if I keep busy with positive thoughts and deeds, I wont have time for any negativity to make its way into my life.
An Idol Mind Is the Devil's Workshop
My Profile Song!(Originally written on June 30, 2008)
My profile song!
My profile song!I changed my profile song about three weeks ago. At the time I just liked the sound, but I didn't really pay attention to the words. Who would've thought that three weeks later it would be just what I needed to make it through another tough day. My Father left this life on Saturday, June 28, 2008. Then and even now I didn't know how I would make it every day without my Father. People started to call, text and email me. They said the usual..."Hey Mike, I was just calling to check on you. Let me know if there is anything that I can do for you." My response was simple each time. I'm doing fine, just continue to pray for me and my family. Sometimes prayer is the only thing that can get you through those tough times in life. If there is one thing that my parents taught me and my nine siblings, it is to always pray. Today when I went to my profile and my profile song started to play, it was so relaxing and I begin to listen to the words. The song really made my day, and it's Praying 4 you by the 7 Sons of Soul. Sometimes in life all we need is a song or a few words to lighten the load on our shoulders. Always be open to messages around you everyday. Thank you all for your prayers and kind words of solace. Truly, I love you all!
My profile song!
My profile song!I changed my profile song about three weeks ago. At the time I just liked the sound, but I didn't really pay attention to the words. Who would've thought that three weeks later it would be just what I needed to make it through another tough day. My Father left this life on Saturday, June 28, 2008. Then and even now I didn't know how I would make it every day without my Father. People started to call, text and email me. They said the usual..."Hey Mike, I was just calling to check on you. Let me know if there is anything that I can do for you." My response was simple each time. I'm doing fine, just continue to pray for me and my family. Sometimes prayer is the only thing that can get you through those tough times in life. If there is one thing that my parents taught me and my nine siblings, it is to always pray. Today when I went to my profile and my profile song started to play, it was so relaxing and I begin to listen to the words. The song really made my day, and it's Praying 4 you by the 7 Sons of Soul. Sometimes in life all we need is a song or a few words to lighten the load on our shoulders. Always be open to messages around you everyday. Thank you all for your prayers and kind words of solace. Truly, I love you all!
My profile song!
Life Is Too Short! (Originally written on June 24, 2008)
This is my second blog, and I titled it the way I did for various reasons.
Life is too short!
It is so important that we cherish every single day that we have hear on this Earth. We never know when our time is going to come. I think so many times people would be so much better off if they could just open up and communicate more. It is vitally important that we communicate with the ones we love. Tell them you love them even when you think they know and they're tired of hearing you say it.
Life is too short!
Now of course there is some inspiration behind me writing a blog like this. Last week this time I was counting down the days until my week long vacation in New Jersey. As we were headed to Jersey early Saturday morning, I received a phone call from my brother-in-law saying that my Father had been rushed to the hospital. He had a stroke, and they would call us back with more information as soon as the doctor told them something. The entire remainder of the trip my sister phone rang off the hook as my older sister called her to give us more updates. After being in New Jersey for 2 full days, we decided to come back home. This morning around 6a.m. I had the opportunity to see my Father, and he did not look good. With the educational background that I have in a health and fitness related field I understand a little more what is going on inside the body when someone has a stroke or when someone has bleeding on the brain; so I knew from the start that it was not good. However, I know that God can do all things but fail. Now just Friday I talked to my Father and we had a normal conversation (no panic or stress in his voice) and now I'm praying for my Father's life.Life is too short!12 years ago in August I was getting ready to return to school to start the 6th grade. It was the Saturday before school started and my Mother was taking me on last minute school shopping. She suffered from asthma, and usually her inhaler would do the trick. However, this night was not a normal night. She was not feeling well at all. We woke up Sunday morning, like any other Sunday morning; but for the first time in my life (that I can remember) my Mother did not feel well enough to make it to Sunday school and service. When we returned home to my Mother and Brother who stayed with her she did not look well. She prayed up until the last sentence that came out of her mouth, and I will never forget the last words I heard her speak... "Lord, I'm ready" Now, in my eyes I saw my Mother living as long as I, but that Sunday afternoon I realized...
Life is too short!
The whole purpose of this blog is to give you a microscopic view of my emotions to help you understand that you can never say never, and that you must take advantage of every moment that God blesses you with on this Earth. Always figure out how you can do something good for someone else. Remember to tell those close to you that you love them, because one day you may never get that opportunity again. Always remember to pray for those you love and especially for those you hate or despise.
Life is too short!
Life is too short!
It is so important that we cherish every single day that we have hear on this Earth. We never know when our time is going to come. I think so many times people would be so much better off if they could just open up and communicate more. It is vitally important that we communicate with the ones we love. Tell them you love them even when you think they know and they're tired of hearing you say it.
Life is too short!
Now of course there is some inspiration behind me writing a blog like this. Last week this time I was counting down the days until my week long vacation in New Jersey. As we were headed to Jersey early Saturday morning, I received a phone call from my brother-in-law saying that my Father had been rushed to the hospital. He had a stroke, and they would call us back with more information as soon as the doctor told them something. The entire remainder of the trip my sister phone rang off the hook as my older sister called her to give us more updates. After being in New Jersey for 2 full days, we decided to come back home. This morning around 6a.m. I had the opportunity to see my Father, and he did not look good. With the educational background that I have in a health and fitness related field I understand a little more what is going on inside the body when someone has a stroke or when someone has bleeding on the brain; so I knew from the start that it was not good. However, I know that God can do all things but fail. Now just Friday I talked to my Father and we had a normal conversation (no panic or stress in his voice) and now I'm praying for my Father's life.Life is too short!12 years ago in August I was getting ready to return to school to start the 6th grade. It was the Saturday before school started and my Mother was taking me on last minute school shopping. She suffered from asthma, and usually her inhaler would do the trick. However, this night was not a normal night. She was not feeling well at all. We woke up Sunday morning, like any other Sunday morning; but for the first time in my life (that I can remember) my Mother did not feel well enough to make it to Sunday school and service. When we returned home to my Mother and Brother who stayed with her she did not look well. She prayed up until the last sentence that came out of her mouth, and I will never forget the last words I heard her speak... "Lord, I'm ready" Now, in my eyes I saw my Mother living as long as I, but that Sunday afternoon I realized...
Life is too short!
The whole purpose of this blog is to give you a microscopic view of my emotions to help you understand that you can never say never, and that you must take advantage of every moment that God blesses you with on this Earth. Always figure out how you can do something good for someone else. Remember to tell those close to you that you love them, because one day you may never get that opportunity again. Always remember to pray for those you love and especially for those you hate or despise.
Life is too short!
Life is like Nike, Just Do It (written June 18 2008)
Hello all,
This is my first blog on here, and in it I'll just write about a motto that I've started to apply to things in my life. My occupation is a personal trainer, so a lot of what I'll blog about is health and fitness. However, this particular blog applies to life in general. Sometimes in life we make things harder than what they really are; for some of us we try to find every excuse in the book. However, if you always try to start with small steps you can achieve anything.
-It's like Nike, Just Do It!-
If you're wanting to get in better shape and begin to eat right, you don't have to take drastic measures. Everyone has to start somewhere. So stop getting mad when you can't get that front park at Wal-Mart. Park in the back and get your butt out and walk. Stop taking the elevator and escalator all the time; take the steps. Stop drinking so much soft drinks, artificial flavored juices, etc. Drink more water, believe me it helps. Cut back on fast foods, whole milks, cheeses, breads, fatty meats(i.e. most red meat especially fried) start preparing more food at home and pack your lunches when you head out. Stick to more lean meats(i.e. turkey, chicken breast, fish) if it runs, swims or move around all day is better than having a piece of cow or pig...think about it they sit around all day and either eat grass or slop!
-It's like Nike, Just Do It!-
I've learned to even watch my finances more, my girlfriend always tells me cut out any unnecessary spending. If you can just start to take out 25-50 dollars out of each pay check, over time that adds up. Sometimes we complain about not having money, then we turn around and eat out all week and buy unnecessary things.
-It's like Nike, Just Do It!
The last thing is about your religious walk. We as Christians try to make this walk so hard. I listen to the Steve Harvey Morning show almost everyday. He comes on from 5a.m.-9a.m. CST on weekdays. Every morning he starts out with inspiration for the day and a gospel song. He always says, "No one is perfect, but if you can just keep God close and in your corner that's half the battle" I totally agree, sometimes we try to make things so hard we miss the blessings that God is trying to give us on a daily basis. So, just keep him close. Be thankful in everything. Now this one is sometimes harder than it should be, but try to start and end every day by just talking to him for a while and thanking him for what he has done, what he is doing, and what he is going to do.
-It's like Nike, Just Do It!-
In closing, you make think well what qualifies Mike to write something like this. The answer is nothing, this blog is as much to me as it is inspiration to at least one person who will read it. As I told him, my older brother Darrell James inspired me to start blogging. If you get a chance try to add him on myspace. He only has two blogs right now, but I would advise you to check it out. Like he said, stay tune and remember my name. I am coming, I am destined for greatness, and no one can stop me! God Bless You All!
-It's like Nike, Just Do It!-
p.s. please excuse any spelling or grammatical errors, College made me like saying that, but I'm only joking)
This is my first blog on here, and in it I'll just write about a motto that I've started to apply to things in my life. My occupation is a personal trainer, so a lot of what I'll blog about is health and fitness. However, this particular blog applies to life in general. Sometimes in life we make things harder than what they really are; for some of us we try to find every excuse in the book. However, if you always try to start with small steps you can achieve anything.
-It's like Nike, Just Do It!-
If you're wanting to get in better shape and begin to eat right, you don't have to take drastic measures. Everyone has to start somewhere. So stop getting mad when you can't get that front park at Wal-Mart. Park in the back and get your butt out and walk. Stop taking the elevator and escalator all the time; take the steps. Stop drinking so much soft drinks, artificial flavored juices, etc. Drink more water, believe me it helps. Cut back on fast foods, whole milks, cheeses, breads, fatty meats(i.e. most red meat especially fried) start preparing more food at home and pack your lunches when you head out. Stick to more lean meats(i.e. turkey, chicken breast, fish) if it runs, swims or move around all day is better than having a piece of cow or pig...think about it they sit around all day and either eat grass or slop!
-It's like Nike, Just Do It!-
I've learned to even watch my finances more, my girlfriend always tells me cut out any unnecessary spending. If you can just start to take out 25-50 dollars out of each pay check, over time that adds up. Sometimes we complain about not having money, then we turn around and eat out all week and buy unnecessary things.
-It's like Nike, Just Do It!
The last thing is about your religious walk. We as Christians try to make this walk so hard. I listen to the Steve Harvey Morning show almost everyday. He comes on from 5a.m.-9a.m. CST on weekdays. Every morning he starts out with inspiration for the day and a gospel song. He always says, "No one is perfect, but if you can just keep God close and in your corner that's half the battle" I totally agree, sometimes we try to make things so hard we miss the blessings that God is trying to give us on a daily basis. So, just keep him close. Be thankful in everything. Now this one is sometimes harder than it should be, but try to start and end every day by just talking to him for a while and thanking him for what he has done, what he is doing, and what he is going to do.
-It's like Nike, Just Do It!-
In closing, you make think well what qualifies Mike to write something like this. The answer is nothing, this blog is as much to me as it is inspiration to at least one person who will read it. As I told him, my older brother Darrell James inspired me to start blogging. If you get a chance try to add him on myspace. He only has two blogs right now, but I would advise you to check it out. Like he said, stay tune and remember my name. I am coming, I am destined for greatness, and no one can stop me! God Bless You All!
-It's like Nike, Just Do It!-
p.s. please excuse any spelling or grammatical errors, College made me like saying that, but I'm only joking)
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